FREE Middle School Science Video Lessons - STAR** Compliant Free Middle School Science Video Lessons for Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Flipped Classrooms and Online Learning 
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Video Guides
Lab Report Writer
I Have Who Has

Google™ Sheets / Google Classroom Lab Report Generator  
* is not affiliated with Google, the Google website or the videos in any way. Names and titles are for ease of use and for reference only.

Integrated Help Screens

A Brilliant Google DocTM Lab Report Generator


A Lab Report Template / Lab Report Generator for Google Docs™ and Google Classroom™

This Science Lab Report Maker / Science Lab Report Template is a Paperless Step by Step Student Report Organizer for Google Docs™ / Google Classroom™. This is a Google Sheet™ that steps students through the process of writing a successful science lab report.

 Students are presented with a single screen for each step of the process. 

Online version is available at:
Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Higher Education, Homeschooler, Staff -

Click above.

Information from previous screens flows into other screens assisting students to craft reports without having to navigate screens. Color coding and onscreen help is incorporated in each screen. 

Each screen is for a single purpose and presents a single step of the process:

01- Start - Name, Date, Teacher Name, Room
02- Title - Input the title of the lab.
03- Question - What are you trying to prove?
04- Purpose - Why are you interested in this lab?
05- Variables - Independent, Dependent, Prediction and Control
06- Hypothesis - If ___, then___ will ____ .
07- Materials - Listing of things needed to perform the experiment.
08- Procedure - Summary and also step-by-step to complete the lab.
09- Data - Narrative of data and external link to graphing website.
10- Conclusion - Answer the question stated in Step 03 above.
11- Analysis - What happened and why.
12- Anomalies - Those unexpected things that happen.
13- Notes - How to change experiment, what went right, what was difficult.
14- Printout all information on a single page or submit back to the teacher.

Each screen has directions for that specific topic as well as examples, notes and tips for completion.

Progress bars show status and completion on a thermometer type display. Teachers can tell at a glance each student's progress.

-> Paper printout or paperless
-> Students fill in the blanks
-> Tips and hints on each page
-> Video help
-> Easily differentiable

-> Progress bar for easy monitoring
-> Consistent output
-> Can be used with any browser
-> Seamless in Google Classroom
-> Easily modified



If you are writing a Lab Report and you use either Google Docs or Google Classroom, the best thing to do is to purchase the Lab Report Generator to guide students in lab writing and not to miss a step.

This is a Google Sheets document that presents a lab report in 12 steps - one step to a screen.  Information is ported from one screen to another in order to guide the writer in creating a great Lab Report.

Each screen presents a step in the report writing process.  Information from previous screens is ported into new screens so that students are given direction for writing.  There is a progress bar to let teachers know at a glance where students are in the process at a glance.  Individual video help screens are provided to assist for each screen.

Teachers can modify report before pushing to classroom.  This makes it easy to differentiate by pre-filling in some parts for special needs students.  When completed, the report can be saved, or printed out on a single page!    


Google™ Sheets Lab Report Generator

* is not affiliated with Google, the Google website in any way. Names and titles are for ease of use and for reference only.

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