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Video Guide HELP!
Frequently Asked Questions
directly to: Free Guide, Word Banks,
Answer Key, Reusable Quiz,
Individual Quiz, Answer Sheet, more
Free Video Guide |
There are always 15 questions, either fill
in the blank, or forced decision so that students can keep up with the video.
Students can fill them out before viewing and then correct
the information while watching the video.
Ideal for higher level students
for differentiation in your classroom.
There is a section for three things students knew that were
confirmed in the video (claiming prior knowledge) and three things they know
now after watching the video (learned information).
Next to the question numbers there are triangles (Δ)
that can be filled in indicating which questions are to be answered.
This accommodation will limit the requirements for special needs students.
Every guide has the same "Look and Feel"

Click above to view a
sample. |
Word Bank Edition,
Answer Keys, and Four Quizzes |

Click above to view a
standard worksheets are FREE, but teachers asked us to develop a "Word Bank"
version, an Answer Key, and a set of Quizzes.
These are
available for a slight fee. |
Bank Edition
Same as the
free version above but with a suggested "Word Bank" for students to use.
Ideal for
students for differentiation in your classroom.
All words may
or may not be used.
Words may be
used more than once.
Answer Key
The answer box lists
suggested answers.
Next to the
answers are the time that the material was presented in the video.
Correct answer percentages are shown in the
included table for either a 10, 12, 15 question quiz.
Print the answer key on colored
paper to find it quickly.
Staple this into a folder so it
won't get lost.

There are always 15 questions, either fill
in the blank, or forced decision so that students can keep up with the video.
Use as many questions as you wish.
Ideal for 'clicker' response systems.
Print this on colored paper to reuse each
year if you use your own answer sheet.
Every quiz has the same "Look and Feel"
Individual Quiz
There are always 15 questions, either fill
in the blank, or forced decision so that students can keep up with the video.
Next to the question numbers there are
triangles (Δ)
that can be filled in indicating which questions are to be answered.
Choose anywhere from 5-15 to answer.
When marking, have checkers put
a "C" for correct and "X" for wrong in blanks next to the triangles (Δ)
then count the "C"s for grade.
Different classes can take
different quizzes.
Repeat or do-over quizzes can
have different questions.
Every quiz has the same "Look and Feel"
Have students use ID Numbers only.
Have them cross correct before returning the quiz to owner for names.
Correct percentages are shown in the
included table - 10, 12, 15 questions.
Answer Sheet
The answer blanks are numbered
Students are reminded of their
Enter 1-6 quiz grades at one
Next to the question numbers there are
triangles (Δ)
that can be filled in indicating which questions are to be answered.
Choose anywhere from 5-15 to answer.
Answers may be T/F, A,B,C,D,E
or fill in the blank.
When marking, have checkers put
a "C" for correct and "X" for wrong in blanks next to the answer and then
count the "C"s for grade.
Different classes can take
different quizzes.
Repeat or do-over quizzes can
have different questions.
Have students use ID Numbers only.
Have them cross correct before returning the quiz to owners.
Have the checkers sign the
bottom for accountability
Click above to view a
sample |
Frequently asked Questions:
How do I use this?
Some teachers find
excellent results by using the student worksheet as a starter, or bell ringer
for students to complete. Some have students highlight key words in the
questions. This allows students to claim prior knowledge, it also
familiarizes them with the questions. While viewing the video, students
can place a "C" or an "X" on the blank net to the question number - correcting
their papers while viewing.
How do I print only one page from
this document?
The document is a .pdf file.
Printing instructions are located
http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/897/cpsid_89732.html or
I bought the answer keys and quizzes
for two science teachers in my school to use. That’s OK right?
Sorry, you can NOT share a
set of purchased answer keys with another teacher, department or school
division. You can NOT share, resell post electronically, or reproduce in any
way purchased materials without expressed permission - even one sheet without
violating International Copywrite laws.
I didn’t keep my passwords safe. I
also don’t remember them.
You can purchase a new
password. Sorry, but there is no way of recovering your individualized password
for the purchased materials.